Yumeiho massage

Yumeiho massage

50 min

29 900 HUF

This massage is unique, it requires professional knowledge and it is used for remedy the symmetry of the body. This treatment is based on Chinese and Japanese therapies and it can help as an individual method or as a supplement of other therapies in the prevention and alleviation of particular illnesses and their symptoms.
– It can help in the cure of locomotor diseases, rheumatism, and problems of spine, joints and muscles.
– It can help in the alleviation of pains in shoulders, back, waist and legs.
– It can cure some types of headaches.
– It supports the rehabilitation after sporting injuries and some kind of operations.
– It improves the right pose of the body.

The Yumeiho massage makes symmetry in the skeleton of your body by using special pressing and kneading techniques, acupressure and chiropractic methods. This technique is strongly regulated: not only the accurate movements are required, but the order of them is determined.